Helping Build Families Since 2012

Support From Experienced California Surrogacy Attorneys

Are you looking to start the process of creating a family and becoming a parent through surrogacy? With the right legal representation, you can be on your way to a successful surrogacy journey.

At Fertility & Surrogacy Legal Group, APC, we have some of the highest trained and experienced surrogacy attorneys in the state.

The Benefits Of Artificial Reproductive Technology

Our lawyers can help individuals and families choose the best surrogacy option to help them achieve their dreams and goals. Here are just a few of the fertility and surrogacy matters that our firm can assist you with:

Many of these agreements clarify the rights and obligations between intended parents and donors, and what is expected once a child is born. We can help clients explore their options, so they stay in control of the surrogacy process and retain parental rights.

Are California ART Laws Friendly To The LGBTQ+ Community?

The California Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) laws expand the right to surrogacy to individuals and couples in the LGBTQ+ community. We help same-sex couples and individuals in the LGBTQ+ community build the family they desire.

Which California Statutes Legalize Gestational Surrogacy?

California has some of the most surrogacy-friendly laws in the country. California Family Law, Section 7960 — 7962 (2013) helps establish a foundation to protect the rights and privacy of surrogates and intended parents with the use of a surrogacy arrangement.

Call For A Consultation Today

We will help clients through the process of starting a family and protect parental rights by negotiating and arranging surrogate agreements. Call today at Fertility & Surrogacy Legal Group, APC, or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation.