California Fertility And Surrogacy Law Blog
Who gets custody of frozen embryos after a divorce?
California residents have options when it comes to starting a family. Some couples might decide to freeze embryos, but what happens if they go through a divorce? What happens if divorcing spouses fight over frozen embryos? Fertility is a complex issue, which means...
Should surrogacy agencies be regulated in California?
California couples trying to have a baby through a surrogate might already know all of the expensive hoops they have to jump through. Surrogacy can be a huge investment, costing both time and money to find the right arrangement. However, not all surrogacy...
Infertility among female physicians
If you’re a female medical resident, doctor, or medical student and thinking about having children in the immediate or distant future, it may be best to start your family planning as early as possible. Female doctors and med students, some of whom are providing...
IVF procedure criticized
Couples struggling to get pregnant through IVF (in-vitro fertilization) are often offered a procedure known as “scratching the womb” as a last resort to conceive. As many as one-third of IVF clinics in Australia, New Zealand, and Britain offer this service, according...
Some facts about surrogacy in California
When you are interested in building a family in California but find it a challenge, you can always turn to surrogacy. However, people often find the whole process very complicated, perhaps even daunting, making them fear or avoid it altogether. If you have been...
How PCOS affects your fertility
One of the most common fertility problems among women in California is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). While women who have this disease can still get pregnant, the condition can still impair their fertility and also brings the chance of other associated health...
Gestational carriers and how they differ from surrogates
California couples have many options to become parents. Gestational carriers, one of those options, are commonly confused for surrogates. What is the difference between gestational carriers and surrogates? A gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child for...
What questions should you ask when interviewing surrogates?
California couples who wish to become parents but struggle with fertility issues might want to consider surrogacy. As you look to the future and have a child, there are certain questions you should ask while meeting with potential surrogates. While there might be many...
More employers are offering fertility benefits to employees
Some California companies aim to provide their employees with good job benefits. There is a new type that’s gaining ground lately. Fertility benefits can help people who need assistance to start their own families. How common are fertility benefits?...
Having a baby: Understanding the different donor arrangements
Residents of San Diego and other nearby areas in California may want to learn more about the different donor arrangements for third-party reproduction. If you have fertility challenges, you will want to know about the choices as the type of donor may affect your...