A major reason why so many of the issues relating to children in surrogacy situations are overlooked is that such a strong emphasis is generally placed upon any problems that might arise with the egg providers, surrogates, and intended parents. But the evidence...
Helping Build Families Since 2012
Surrogacy Law
How do surrogates and gestational carriers differ?
Couples and individuals in California have various options when they need help starting a family. Two of those include surrogacy and gestational carriers. What is a surrogate? A surrogate is a woman who agrees to have a child for another person or couple. Her egg is...
What facts should you know about surrogacy?
Surrogacy is one fertility option for California couples who need help starting a family. With surrogacy, a woman carries a baby for a couple but has no genetic relation to that baby. How does surrogacy work? Depending on the couple’s circumstances, egg or sperm from...
New bill would allow unwed Utah couples to use surrogacy
Unmarried couples in California have the right to explore fertility options when they want to start a family. Recently, a new bill was introduced in another state that would allow for surrogacy among unwed couples. What is the new bill? Bill HB51 of Utah is sponsored...
How does surrogacy work?
When people seriously consider surrogacy, the journey is motivated by the person or couple’s strong desire for parenthood. If you’re a California resident, here are some important things you should know about fertility and surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy When it...
Surrogacy-friendly states make the process easier
If you and your spouse or partner have tried to start a family without success, surrogacy is often an option for couples looking to have a biological child. Not all areas of the United States are favorable toward surrogacy. However, California has the friendliest...
Does the IRS allow deductions for fertility or surrogacy?
Many issues that spouses in San Diego face are covered under special IRS rules. This especially concerns issues related to childbirth. However, certain areas related to fertility or surrogacy treatments remain nondeductible. These are areas that are...
Questions to ask your surrogate and attorney
Surrogacy agreements are put in place when a woman carries a baby for the parents who intend to raise the child as their own. The two types of surrogacy and donation agreements are traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy involves IVF...
Should surrogacy agencies be regulated in California?
California couples trying to have a baby through a surrogate might already know all of the expensive hoops they have to jump through. Surrogacy can be a huge investment, costing both time and money to find the right arrangement. However, not all surrogacy...
Some facts about surrogacy in California
When you are interested in building a family in California but find it a challenge, you can always turn to surrogacy. However, people often find the whole process very complicated, perhaps even daunting, making them fear or avoid it altogether. If you have been...