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Surrogacy Law

What are surrogacy and donation agreements?

Surrogacy and donation agreements are legal contracts that outline the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in assisted reproduction. In California, surrogacy and donation agreements are governed by the Surrogacy Parental Rights Act, which went...

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Superfetation in surrogates, and what it means

Many California couples and individuals with fertility challenges choose surrogacy to have families. This is the right option for some people, especially if there might be potential complications or the inability to carry a baby to term. In some cases, superfetation...

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Potential expenses involved in same-sex surrogacy

In California, LGBTQ+ individuals can achieve the goal of becoming a parent through same-sex surrogacy. However, this critical journey comes with financial aspects that may prevent the dream from becoming a reality for many people. Understanding the costs of same-sex...

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Single-parent surrogacy process and challenges

A portion of single people in California dream of becoming parents. If you are in this group, you can become a parent through surrogacy as a single person. You do not have to put your parenthood goals on hold as you hope to find a compatible partner. With surrogacy,...

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