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When you have limited access to fertility treatments

Fertility technology and treatments give California residents the chance to have children if they have had problems conceiving in the past. However, everyone does not have access to these treatments. In fact, research indicates that most infertile couples are not able to undergo the proper procedures to increase their chances of having children.

The Center for Disease Control conducted a National Survey of Family Growth, which indicated that 11% of women and 9% of men were struggling with conception. The survey also revealed that only 38% of women who suspected they had a fertility issue received or inquired about fertility care.

Common obstacles associated with fertility treatments

If you’re having a hard time getting the fertility treatment you need, you’re not alone. Possible barriers when it comes to fertility treatment include no fertility benefits listed in your health insurance plan, not having health insurance, or not being able to afford the fertility treatment(s) even if you’re insured. In Europe and Canada, fertility treatment coverage is mandated in some areas. In the US, only 11 states have laws requiring health insurance coverage for infertility. Out of those 11, only six mandate comprehensive coverage.

Additional factors that affect fertility treatments

Provider bias can also affect the type of treatments an individual or couple will receive. Doctors will sometimes refuse fertility care if the doctor has a moral or religious objection to in-vitro fertilization. Fertility doctors may also refuse to care for a patient if the patient is in a lower socioeconomic bracket. Other physicians may not provide fertility treatments to unmarried couples or same-sex couples.

It is best for couples or individuals looking to have children through fertility treatments to explore all of their options based on budget and insurance features. Speaking with a trusted doctor or counselor can help people make the right choice when it comes to fertility procedures.