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New technology has unearthed cases of fertility fraud

In the past, sperm donors in California could largely remain anonymous. Today, at-home DNA testing kits have made it possible for anyone to track down their parents, even if they were conceived with a sperm donor. As a result, many people have discovered that their biological father wasn’t a sperm donor at all but a doctor who worked at the facility.

What falls under fertility fraud?

The process of doctors inseminating women with their own sperm instead of the donor’s is known as “fertility fraud.” So far, dozens of people have reported cases of fertility fraud worldwide. One doctor lost his medical license after he admitted to committing fertility fraud with dozens of women. In general, doctors who commit fertility fraud usually target dozens of women at their clinics.

It’s difficult to understand why doctors might commit fertility fraud, but some believe that they might have used their sperm as a last resort when they didn’t have other sources of sperm available. Doctors didn’t start using frozen sperm for fertilization until the 1980s. Some doctors might have also been attracted to their patients. Still others might have enjoyed exerting power over their clients or spreading their genes to dozens of women without having to care for the children.

In any case, fertility fraud is a massive breach of trust between the client and doctor. Fertility fraud can also make the child question everything that they thought they know about their identity. Contact a surrogacy attorney if fertility fraud has affected your life.

Do you need an attorney if you’re looking for a surrogate?

If you and your partner have had trouble conceiving, you might have considered looking for a surrogate or an egg donor. Surrogacy and egg donation could help you conceive a child that has your genetics.

However, conceiving a child through alternative means can be a difficult process, especially if the donor or surrogate backs out at the last minute. An attorney could help you find a surrogate, follow the procedures, get custody of the child and bring your child home shortly after birth.